School Begins: 7:40 A.M.
School Ends: 1/2 Day Dismiss at 10:50 a.m.
Full Day Dismiss at 2:30 p.m.
4k Full Day:
Dismissal takes place in the daycare parking lot.
K-8: AM Arrival: If using drop off in front of school on Columbus St:
K - 8: PM Dismissal: iDismiss App:
In order to assure efficiency dismissal, we are continuing to use the “iDismiss” app.
All Carpool will be in the front of school on Columbus Street:
Important things to note:
Supervision begins each day on back playground at 7:30
School Begins (K-8): 7:40
Carpool (K-8): 2:45
Bus, Walkers, bikers, and car pick up outside perimeter of carpool (K-8): 2:40
First Thursday of the month (4K-8): carpool 1:25/Bus and other: 1:20
Updated: 8/29/23